Meet other local animal rights activists. Gather information about animal abuse issues and discuss constructive, non-violent ways to raise awareness in our society about the plight of animals raised for food, fur, experimentation, and other uses. Encourage people to adopt a whole foods vegan diet which is respectful to animals, the environment, and our own health. Teach youngsters in the community the importance of showing compassion and mercy to creatures who are not able to speak up for themselves. Seek opportunities to empower ourselves to be the best possible animal rights advocates.
United Animal Advocates of LA
Santa Monica, CA
487 Animal Rights activists
Meet other local animal rights activists. Gather information about animal abuse issues and discuss constructive, non-violent ways to raise awareness in our society about the …
Check out this Meetup Group →

Animalearn, the educational division of the American Anti-Vivisection Society (AAVS), works with educators, students, and others to achieve quality humane science education without the harmful use of animals.
Animalearn’s free loan program, The Science Bank, is the largest lending program in the U.S. and offers humane science products that enable educators to teach and students to learn anatomy, physiology, and psychology lessons without harming animals.

The Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association (HSVMA) was formed as a home for veterinary professionals who want to engage in direct care programs for animals in need and educate the public and others in the profession about animal welfare issues.
HSVMA Rural Area Veterinary Services (HSVMA-RAVS), is our primary direct care program. We are also actively involved in advocating for better public policies for animals and advancing humane alternatives in veterinary education.

Welcome! The American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association (AHVMA) is the mindful leader, elevating the veterinary profession through innovation, education, and advocacy of integrative medicine.
The AHVMA publishes a peer-reviewed scientific journal, TheJournal of the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association, four times yearly. It is the only peer-reviewed scientific journal focusing exclusively on integrative veterinary medicine. The Journal is available to members online.
The Association also holds an annual conference and retreat in various locations throughout the United States. This conference, accepted as fulfillment of Continuing Education requirements in many states, is the premier source of post-graduate integrative veterinary medical training worldwide. The Association awards scholarships to help aspiring holistic veterinarians attend the annual conference.
Membership in our Association includes access to our Journal, discounted conference registration rates, and many more benefits.

Founded in 1987, the mission of RedRover is to bring animals out of crisis and strengthen the bond between people and animals through emergency sheltering, disaster relief services, financial assistance and education. RedRover accomplishes its mission by engaging volunteers and supporters, collaborating with others and maximizing the use of online technology.